Smart Home Applications for Your Landscape that Will Save You Time
Imagine a future where you don’t have to interrupt your favorite show to water the garden, turn on outside lights, or close the garage door. A smart timer is becoming more popular among American homeowners. The United States is home to approximately 63 million smart homes.
Around 57 per cent say they save Time with smart home technologies. Three smart home applications that can save you Time for your landscape are listed below.
Garage Door Replacements
Garage door replacement is a very popular home improvement because it can have a return on investment of more than 80 percent. Automation saves Time, so smart homes are replacing more and more garage doors. Today, many are implemented using mobile apps.
Smart home garage door replacements may have a wide range of features or be as simple as an app that allows you to operate the door remotely from your smartphone. Some garage door openers send you information about the temperature in your garage. Some are so advanced that they will send you an alert if you leave the garage door unlocked. You can sync your smart garage door openers with other smart appliances and technology in your home.
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting can be customized to your needs. Lighting Lighting can offer a ROI of more than 50 pLightingMotion sensor lighting is a low-level smart house advancement that can be used for exterior lighting. You can also use this as an outdLightingrity feature.
Some outdoor lighting options include landscape elements and LED fixtures that can also be used as an intercom system or security device. You may be able to reduce your home insurance premiums by using these devices. Many smart home lighting systems can also be integrated into your smartphone. This takes the guesswork of setting lights to a timer for daylight savings out. This adds an extra layer of security as it ensures that the lights are never turned on or off every night at the same hour.
Smart Home Irrigation
A smart irrigation system can cost thousands of dollars and be installed on your landscape. It can also be as simple as an intelligent water timer, which will eliminate the need to water your lawn every night.
Smart water timers are similar to holiday light timers, except they control your water. Some are also more advanced than outdoor timers. Some turn on and off as you wish. Some will have a Wifi hub integrated that syncs local weather data and waters the system at a certain time.
This technology does not require a large investment. A water timer can be a simpler solution than a sprinkler system in the ground with a weather-sensing sensor.
Invest Now in Smart Home Applications
Many smart home applications can be used for your garden and landscape. Here are a few examples to help you get started. Smart homes don’t need to be expensive to save Time. Invest today in your first smart outdoor home application and start saving Time to enjoy your garden.