The Play Room
Choose Playroom Decorations and Colors that Will Grow with Your Child
We all know that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. But a word of advice: do not apply this knowledge to the walls or interiors of your kid’s room. The new generation of boys may prefer pink, while tomboy girls lean more toward blue than pink. This generation is also very quickly bored so lime green may be THE color this week, but next week they might prefer a bright red! The best option is to choose neutral, soft colors that will allow your room to grow organically with your child as they move from toddler to child to teenager.
Be a bit futuristic, and search the interior décor market for durable wallpapers with patterns that will still be age-appropriate in a few years. Be sure to ask your older kids for their opinion and to get their help when setting up the room.
The Best Furniture and Furnishing Ideas for Your Child’s PlayroomChoose a couch or chair where you can both comfortably spread out to read a novel together. Choose tables and chairs that have rounded corners and soft edges. They should be sturdy enough not to collapse when a child plops into them but small enough for the child to feel like it was specially made for him. Leather is a good alternative for rugs and other furniture that are stain-resistant. To prevent electric or fire accidents, ensure all sockets are plugged in, and the wiring is hidden. Grills are needed on windows, as you don’t want to see your son try to fly out of the window like his superheroes.
A tent should be included no matter how big or small your playroom is! It is his sanctuary, where he retreats to when he’s mad at the world. But more importantly, it’s where he can just be himself!
We have a blog that will help you learn more about how to create the perfect home environment for your children:
Playroom Storage: How to Make the Most of It
Maximizing space is essential when you have limited space. Here, follow the Biblical rule – A place to everything and everything in its place. Ensure you have enough storage for your child’s toys, art supplies, and other items. An ottoman, bench, or other furniture that conceals storage is a must. There are many innovative ideas to explore, including wall shelves, cubbies, and a hanging “clothesline” from the ceiling to hang the paintings. You can even use hammocks to hold the teddy you gave your daughter for her fifth birthday.
Open Space Is A Mandate in Playroom
You can give your child some space to play in the room. This will allow them to be creative in how they fill it or what activities to do. It could be as simple as a warm, soft rug or a small space cordoned off by a collapsible wall. If you quietly observe what your child is doing in this space, you can get a hint as to their future career. For example, if your daughter dances around the rug, you may have a model on your hands. Or if your son runs on the carpet, you could be on the verge of having a Milkha Singh.
Choose Multi-Utility Items to Use in the Playroom
If space is a concern, you should focus on furniture that can be used efficiently. For example, paint stations that double as chalkboards are a great option. Or tables that, when flipped over, become an easel.
Playrooms that combine functionality, aesthetics, and child’s hobbies
A costume box would be the room’s focus if your child loves dressing up but hates building blocks. The blocks could be neatly stacked on a shelf.
You can trust that a writing wall will give your child the freedom to express themselves. After the initial cost, you only need to purchase chalk.
Do you want to see if your child has the potential to be a Mozart? Set up a music area with a xylophone toy, guitar, drumset, or microphone, and see what your child can do!
It is not easy to combine functionality with aesthetics and keep the child’s interests in mind. If you read this blog, designing will become easier.
Our tips on designing have helped many readers. Please let us know if you’ve benefited from our recommendations.
Remember the Playroom’s Purpose
When decorating your child’s room or play area, remember that the goal is to let them have fun and stimulate their intellect. They should also be able to control their universe. If you give your child a place where they can explore independently, reflect, create, or destroy things, they will better understand themselves and their world. It will result in growth of all kinds – intellectually, physically, and emotionally.
The main thing to remember when choosing the decor is to make it fun. It should resemble a safe cocoon. And most importantly, parents should be present to play with their children.
Remember the words of Albert Einstein, which are often quoted: “Play is the highest form of Research.” When your children are paid, their curiosity is stoked. With this, they can learn new things and ignite new ideas.
You will surely enjoy our article about playrooms for kids. As important as play is to children, so too is learning… Let’s see some tips for designing a study room for kids.